
This chapter provides a reference of all Sureberus schema directives.


Validation Directive
type: bool

When True, extra keys in a dictionary are passed through silently.

When False, keys that are found in a dictionary but which aren't specified in a fields schema will cause an error to be raised.

yaml schema
type: dict allow_unknown: true fields: known: {type: integer}
Valid input
{"known": 3, "unknown": 4}
yaml schema
type: dict allow_unknown: false fields: known: {type: integer}
Erroneous input
{"known": 3, "unknown": 4}
<At root: Dict {'known': 3, 'unknown': 4} had unknown fields: {'unknown'}>


Validation Directive
type: list of arbitrary Python objects

The object being validated must be equal to one of the objects in the list in order to pass validation.

yaml schema
allowed: ["foo", 1, 2, 3]
Valid input
Valid input
Erroneous input
<At root: Value 5 is not allowed. Must be one of ['foo', 1, 2, 3]>

*of (anyof, oneof)

Meta Directive
type list of Sureberus schemas

Try applying schemas in sequence to the current value.

These directives should be avoided, and choose_schema should be strongly preferred, if possible. These directives are generally inefficient and result in hard-to-read error messages.

When anyof is used, then as soon as any schema applies successfully, its result is returned.

When oneof is used, ALL schemas are checked, and if more than one can be applied successfully, an exception is raised (this is very unlikely to be useful, you should probably just use anyof).

In either case, if none of the schemas can be applied without error, then a validation error will be raised.

Unlike Cerberus, these directives allow Transformation Directives to do their work as well. If a schema can be applied successfully, the transformations it applies will be returned.


Meta Directive
type dict described below
Introduced in Sureberus 0.8.0

Choose a schema based on different factors of the input document and the current Context. See Dynamically selecting schemas for more information.

The directive value is a dictionary which must contain one of the following keys.


type dict containing key, choices, and optionally default_choice

Dynamically selects a schema based on the value of a specific key, specified by the key sub-directive. For example, if you have a value like {"type": "foo", "foo_specific": "bar"}, where the foo part determines which other keys might exist in the dict (like foo_specific), then this directive can help you choose a specific schema to validate with.

When this directive is applied, it determines a schema to apply by accessing the key named by the key sub-directive in the value (which we'll call the "choice"). If it's not found, then default_choice is used. It then looks up the schema to use by looking for that "choice" in the choices sub-directive.

yaml schema
choose_schema: when_key_is: key: "chooser" choices: "choice_a": type: dict fields: a_specific: {type: integer} "choice_b": type: dict fields: b_specific: {type: string}
Valid input
{"chooser": "choice_a", "a_specific": 3}
Valid input
{"chooser": "choice_b", "b_specific": "foo"}
Erroneous input
{"chooser": "choice_a", "b_specific": "foo"}
<At root: Dict {'chooser': 'choice_a', 'b_specific': 'foo'} had unknown fields: {'b_specific'}>


type dict (described below)

Dynamically selects a schema based on whether a certain dict key exists.

The directive should be provided a dictionary, where each key can potentially match a key in the value dictionary. Each value in the directive dictionary should be a Sureberus schema to apply to the dictionary if the key exists in the dictionary.

yaml schema
choose_schema: when_key_exists: "keyA": type: dict fields: keyA: {type: string} a_related: {type: integer} "keyB": type: dict fields: keyB: {type: integer} b_related: {type: string}
Valid input
{"keyA": "a_value", "a_related": 33}
Valid input
{"keyB": 50, "b_related": "hi"}
Erroneous input
{"keyB": 50, "a_related": 33}
<At root: Dict {'keyB': 50, 'a_related': 33} had unknown fields: {'a_related'}>


type dict containing tag, choices, and optionally default_choice

This is very similar to when_key_is, but instead of choosing a schema based on the value of a dictionary key, it does it by using the context. It goes hand-in-hand with the set_tag or modify_context directives.

When this directive is applied, it determines the schema to apply by looking up a tag named by the tag sub-directive (which we'll call the "choice"). It then looks up the schema to use by looking for that "choice" in the choices sub-directive.

yaml schema
type: dict # this `set_tag` sets the `mytag` key with the value # associated with `obj_type` in the document set_tag: {tag_name: "mytag", key: "obj_type"} fields: obj_type: {type: string} configuration: type: dict fields: config_item: # here we're selecting a schema based on # something that appears higher up in the # document hierarchy. choose_schema: when_tag_is: tag: mytag choices: "choice_a": {type: integer} "choice_b": {type: boolean}
Valid input
{"obj_type": "choice_a", "configuration": {"config_item": 3}}
Valid input
{"obj_type": "choice_b", "configuration": {"config_item": True}}


type dict (described below)
Introduced in Sureberus 0.11

This directive is given a mapping of type names (using the same names that the type directive takes) to schemas. A schema is chosen based on the type of the value.

yaml schema
choose_schema: when_type_is: list: {elements: {type: integer, min: 0}} integer: {type: integer, min: 0}
Valid input
Valid input
[50, 60]


type Python callable (value, context) -> Sureberus schema

Dynamically choose a schema to use based on the current value and the Context object. The schema returned by the Python function will be applied to the value.


Transformation Directive
type Python callable (value) -> new value, OR a string naming a registered coerce function

Call a Python function with the value to get a new one to use. Or, if the directive is a string, look up the registered coerce function to perform coercion. By default, you can pass "to_list" or "to_set" to convert the value to a list or set, if the value is not already a list or set, respectively.

It's important to note that this function is called before all other directives that might reject a value. This is a good directive to use if you want to normalize invalid documents to a form that can be considered valid.

python schema
{"type": "integer", "coerce": lambda i: i + 1}


Transformation Directive
type Python callable (value) -> new value, OR a string naming a registered coerce function

Call a Python function with the value to get a new one to use, after all other validation. Or, if the directive is a string, look up the registered coerce function to perform coercion. By default, you can pass "to_list" or "to_set" to convert the value to a list or set, if the value is not already a list or set, respectively.

Unlike coerce, this function is applied after all other directives, so it's allowed to return values that wouldn't validate according to other directives in your schema.

python schema
{ "type": "integer", # note that this schema does *not* allow None as input, # and yet the coerce_post can produce it as output "coerce_post": lambda i: None if i == 0 else i }


Transformation Directive
type Python callable (value, Context) -> new value, OR a string naming a registered coerce function
Introduced in Sureberus 0.12.0

Call a Python function with the value and the Context to calculate a replacement. Or, if the directive is a string, look up the registered coerce function to perform coercion.

This can be used in tandem with set_tag or modify_context to pass data to transformers that are run on deeper parts of the document. The function can access tags stored in the context with the Context.get_tag(tag_name) method.


Transformation Directive
type Python callable (value, Context) -> new value, OR a string naming a registered coerce function
Introduced in Sureberus 0.12.0

Identical to coerce, but runs after all validation.


Meta Directive
type dict of str (coerce names) to Python callables
Introduced in Sureberus 0.9.0

This allows you to register functions with a name that can be used in the coerce and coerce_post directives. Each key in the directive should be a name, and the value should be a Python function that takes a single argument and returns a new value, just like the functions you would normally pass to coerce. Then you can pass the name of the registered function to coerce or coerce_post to invoke the registered function.


Meta Directive
type str
Introduced In Sureberus 0.14.0

Print out some diagnostic information when this schema is being applied. The value given to the directive will be included in the output message.


Meta Directive
type dict of str (setter names) to Python callables
Introduced in Sureberus 0.9.0

This allows you to register functions with a name that can be used in the default_setter directive of field schemas. Each key in the directive should be a name, and the value should be a Python function that acts like a default_setter function. Then you can pass the name of the registered function to default_setter to invoke the registered function.


Meta Directive
type Sureberus schema
Introduced in Sureberus 0.9.0

Apply the given schema to each element in a list or other iterable.

yaml schema
type: list elements: {type: integer}
Valid input
[50, 60]
Valid input
Erroneous input
[50, "hello"]
<At root[1]: 'hello' must be of integer type>


Meta Directive
type dict of keys to Sureberus schemas
Introduced in Sureberus 0.9.0

When applying a schema with fields to a dictionary, each key in the value is looked up in the fields directive, and used to find a Sureberus schema to apply to the value associated with that key in the dictionary being validated.

Each value is a Sureberus schema that can have a few extra directives, specific to dict fields.

  • rename: (string) If this is specified, then the dict key will be renamed to the specified key in the result.
  • required: (bool) Indicates whether the field must be present.
  • excludes: (list of strings) Specifies a list of keys which must not exist on the dictionary for this schema to validate.
  • default: (object) A value to associate with the key in the resulting dict if the key was not present in the input. If you want to default a field to an empty list or dict, do not use default: []. Instead use default_setter: "list".
  • default_copy: (object) A value to use as a default if the key is missing, just like default. The difference is that this directive causes a deep copy to be made each time it's inserted into a document, so it's safe to use values like [] and {}.
  • default_setter: (Python callable of (dict) -> value, OR a string) A Python function to call if the key was not present in the input. It is passed the dictionary, and its return value will be used as the default. If default_setter is given a string, then it will be used to look up a setter that has been registered with default_registry. By default, you can pass "list", "dict", or "set" to set the default to empty lists, dicts, and sets.
yaml schema
type: dict fields: field1: {type: integer} field2: {type: string}
Valid input
{"field1": 42, "field2": "nice"}
Valid input


Meta Directive
type Sureberus schema

Specify a schema to be applied to all keys in a dictionary.

yaml schema
type: dict keyschema: {type: integer}
Valid input
{42: "hello", -500: None}
Erroneous input
{"hello": 42}
<At root['hello']: 'hello' must be of integer type>


Validation Directive
type Number (or anything that supports the comparison operators)

Raises an exception if the value is greater than the given number.

yaml schema
type: integer max: 50
Valid input
Erroneous input
<At root: Number 51 is out of bounds, must be at least None and at most 50>

See also min.


Validation Directive
type Number

Raises an exception if the length of the value is greater than the given number.

yaml schema
maxlength: 2
Erroneous input
<At root: Value [1, 2, 3] is greater than max length of 2>
Erroneous input
<At root: Value 'abcdef' is greater than max length of 2>


Validation Directive
type Number Introduced in Sureberus 0.14.0

Raises an exception if the length of the value is less than the given number.

yaml schema
minlength: 10
Erroneous input
<At root: Value [1, 2, 3] is less than min length of 10>
Erroneous input
<At root: Value 'abcdef' is less than min length of 10>


Meta Directive
type dict
Introduced in Sureberus 0.13.0

This directive is unused by Sureberus. It is meant for embedding application-specific metadata in a Sureberus schema.


Validation Directive
type Number (or anything that supports the comparison operators)

Raises an exception if the value is less than the given number.

yaml schema
type: integer min: -1
Valid input
Erroneous input
<At root: Number -2 is out of bounds, must be at least -1 and at most None>


Meta Directive
type Python callable (value, Context) -> Context
Introduced in Sureberus 0.8.0

Run a Python function to allow it to modify the current Context. The Python function will be passed the value and the current Context, and must return a new Context. This is most often used to call context.set_tag(key, value) to add a new tag to the Context, to later be used with choose_schema.

See Dynamically selecting schemas for more information.


Meta Directive
type dict of str (modify_context names) to Python callables
Introduced in Sureberus 0.9.0

This allows you to register functions with a name that can be used in the modify_context directive. Each key in the directive should be a name, and the value should be a Python function that acts like a modify_context function. Then you can pass the name of the registered function to modify_context to invoke the registered function.


Validation Directive
type bool

Specifically allows None, even if it would conflict with other validation directives. If the value is None, no other directives are applied.

This directive slightly differs Cerberus's implementation, which doesn't honor nullable when a *of directive is present. See cerberus#373.

yaml schema
type: integer nullable: true
Valid input


Validation Directive
type string (a regex)

If the value is a string, and it does not match the given regex, an exception will be raised. The regex must match the entire string, from beginning to end.

In the future, applying the regex directive to non-strings will be deprecated.

yaml schema
regex: "[a-z]+"
Valid input
Erroneous input
<At root: value does not match regex 'Foobar' '[a-z]+'>
Valid input


Meta Directive
type dict of schema names (strings) to Sureberus schemas

Registers named Sureberus schemas that can be referred to anywhere inside this schema. This can be useful simply for factoring and schema reuse, but also enables recursive schemas. To use a registered schema, simply put its name (as a string) any place where you would otherwise have a Sureberus schema. schema_ref can also be useful for invoking registered schemas in certain situations.

See Schema registries for more information.

See also the schema_ref directive.

yaml schema
registry: reusable_schema: type: integer min: 0 max: 500 type: dict fields: num1: reusable_schema num2: reusable_schema
Valid input
{"num1": 0, "num2": 30}
yaml schema
registry: recursive_ints: choose_schema: when_type_is: list: {elements: recursive_ints} integer: {} schema_ref: recursive_ints
Valid input
Valid input
[1, 2]
Valid input
[1, [2, [3, 4]]]


Meta Directive
type string (naming a registered schema)

Applies the named schema (defined in a registry) to the current value. This can be useful if you want to register a schema and use it at the same "level". Most of the time you don't need this, and instead just refer to the named schema by putting the schema name (as a string) anywhere you would normally specify a Sureberus schema.

schema_ref can also be used as an "inheritance" mechanism: the referred-to schema will be merged in to the schema that has the schema_ref directive, with the schema_ref schema taking a lower precedence. As of Sureberus 0.10, Fields defined in a fields directive are also merged together. For example:

yaml schema
registry: "common": type: dict fields: "common_field": {"type": "string"} type: dict schema_ref: "common" allow_unknown: false fields: "extra_field": {"type": "string"}
Valid input
{"common_field": "foo", "extra_field": "bar"}

This schema is equivalent to one that defines both common_field and field in the same fields directive.

See Schema registries for more information.


Meta Directive
type Varies

The meaning of a schema key inside a schema changes based on the type of the value. This is strange, but it's how Cerberus did things. It's much better to use either the fields directive for dicts, or the elements directive for lists.

When the value is a list, the directive is interpreted as a Sureberus schema to apply to each element of the list.

When the value is a dict, the keys of the dict are looked up in the directive, and used to find a Sureberus schema to apply to the associated value.

The weird thing is that, e.g., it is possible to define a schema like {'schema': {'type': 'integer'}}, without a type specified along with the schema, so you can try to apply it to lists or dicts. Since we check the value at runtime, if it is a list, it validates each element of the list with that sub-schema. If it is a dict, it tries to apply the schema directly as the field-schema, which leads to a runtime error when it tries to interpret the string integer as a Sureberus schema!

While Sureberus tried to match Cerberus bug-for-bug, this behavior (and the naming of the schema directive) is just too strange. This is why Sureberus has introduced fields and elements directives. Please use those instead.


Meta Directive
type dict or string (described below)
Introduced in Sureberus 0.8.0

Set a tag on the context. This directive can take various forms:

  • "set_tag": {"tag_name": "my-tag", "key": "foo"}

    This sets the tag named my-tag with the value of value["foo"]. So it assumes that the value that the schema is being applied to is a dict.

  • "set_tag": "foo"

    This sets the tag named foo with the value of value["foo"]. It's a shorthand for {"tag_name": "foo", "key": "foo"}.

  • "set_tag": {"tag_name": "my-tag", "value": "bar"}

    This sets the tag named my-tag with a value of "bar" -- that is, a hardcoded value specified in the schema. This is very rarely useful, but is a convenient shorthand if you are referring to a schema that relies on a tag, in a context where the tag doesn't vary based on anything.

See choose_schema/when_tag_is for an example.


Validation Directive
type string

Raises an exception if the type of the value does not match the directive.

These are the types available:

    "none": type(None),
    "integer": six.integer_types,
    "float": (float,) + six.integer_types,
    "number": (float,) + six.integer_types,
    "dict": dict,
    "set": set,
    "list": list,
    "string": six.string_types,
    "boolean": bool,
yaml schema
{type: integer}
Valid input
Erroneous input
<At root: '3' must be of integer type>


Validation Directive
type Python callable (field, value, error_func) -> None, OR a string naming a registered validator.

Invokes a Python function to validate the value. Or, if the directive is a string, look up the registered validator function to perform coercion. The function should return None if the value is valid, otherwise it should call error_func(field, "error message").


Meta Directive
type dict of str (validator names) to Python callables
Introduced in Sureberus 0.9.0

This allows you to register functions with a name that can be used in the validator directive. Each key in the directive should be a name, and the value should be a Python function that acts like a validator function. Then you can pass the name of the registered function to validator to invoke the registered function.


Meta Directive
type Sureberus schema

Applies the given Sureberus schema to all values in the dictionary (requires the value to be a dictionary).

yaml schema
type: dict valueschema: {type: integer}
Valid input
{"foo": 3, "bar": 5}
Erroneous input
{"foo": "3"}
<At root['foo']: '3' must be of integer type>